61 05:06 Big Airplan Bomb The sea has always been for man the "way" to conquer new territories and open new businesses. ... Fanino Cirivasi December 10, 2017 179
20 01:20 Cnidario Body with normally radial symmetry; It has the shape of a bag whose inner cavity is called a gastric cavity. The gastric cavity opens on the outside in a mouth. ... Fanino Cirivasi December 27, 2017 344 0
24 01:21 The hungry Cormorant The Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax Carbo, (Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of bird in the shag family. ... Fanino Cirivasi December 27, 2017 136 0
25 01:35 Mistery Blenny The mistery blenny (Parablennius incognitus) is a sea fish belonging to the family Blenniidae. ... Fanino Cirivasi December 15, 2017 288
27 01:55 Padina Pavonica The Peacock or Peacock tail, (Thivy 1960) is a brown seaweed from the Dictyotaceae family. ... Fanino Cirivasi December 19, 2017 323 0