The Great Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), also known as the Giant Barracuda, beloging Actinipterygii class, Scombriformes order, Sphyraenidae family ...
In this video collage made on two different occasions we can see a Diplodus fish, Diplodus puntazzo, a fish belonging to the genus of Sea Breams (Diplodus) ...
In this video we believe to have met the Chelon labrosus, Thicklip grey mullet, although from the information found on the web it could also be the Liza ramada. ...
The Amberjack or Yellowtail (Seriola Dumerili) is one of the Carangidae that can be found in the Mediterranean Sea. It can be found in the Mediterranean Sea, in the Pacific Ocean, ...
The brown wrasse (Labrus merula) is a species of wrasse native to the Eastern Atlantic from Portugal to Morocco, including the Azores, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea. ...