In this video we see an encounter with the Mediterranean Moray, Muraena Helena, made with three different cameras and therefore from various angles. We are on a submerged rocky wall about forty meters deep ...
In this video we are exploring a typical rocky wall of the Mediterranean Sea from two to three meters high at a depth ranging from 39 to 42 meters deep. Here we can meet organisms such as sponges, starfish, sea urchins, red coral, parazoanthus and bryozoans ...
While we were descending along the "weight" to reach a submerged reef at a depth of 45 meters, we encountered "halfway" a luminous Jellyfish, the Pelagia noctiluca. ...
The seabed in which we often dive, that is, those of the coast that goes from Livorno to Elba Island, are famous for their beauty and for the biodiversity of the various marine species that populate them despite the impact of humans. Bellissima parete Corallo rosso ...