Sponges, contrary to what one might think at first sight, are very simple multicellular animal organisms very similar in shape and appearance to plant organisms. ...
We are on a rocky and sandy bottom at a depth of about 36/40 meters, and as we can see in the video, the seabed is almost completely covered by marine mucilage. ...
Bigeye Trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus), also known as the bigeye jack, great trevally, six-banded trevally and dusky jack, is a species of widespread large marine fish in the jack family Carangidae ...
This video was made on 11 June 2021 in the reefs of Lighthouse Vada near Livorno, over 6 miles from the coast of Castiglioncello at a depth of over 42 meters. ...
We also went to visit an underwater cave. And like all caves it instills a certain charm and arouses a certain restlessness, and it is the same in the case of this submerged cave ...
Bluespotted Cornetfish (Fistularia commersonii), also known as smooth cornetfish or smooth flutemouth, is a marine fish which belongs to the family Fistulariidae. ...
Gren wrasse is one of the most common wrasse in the Mediterranean Sea, the name is due to the color of its livery and its flesh. It is often fished by new divers in apnea ...