T_Red scorpionfish – Scorpaena scrofa – Scorfano rosso – www.intotheblue.it-2023-06-26-14h50m24s850

Red scorpionfish

In this beautiful dive we met many specimens of Red scorpionfish, Scorpaena scrofa, and these that we see in the video are particularly large, almost a meter long. This species is typical of the Mediterranean Sea and we have met them at a depth of 52/53 meters in what would be their ideal habitat, i.e. the typical coralline seabed full of holes and ravines where Gorgonians and sponges thrive on which they settle perch waiting to launch some ambush to fish like the red damselfish.
Phalium glaucum seashell Conchiglia Phalium glaucum www.intotheblue.it-2022-11-29-15h08m55s507

Phalium glaucum seashell

Phalium glaucum, common name the grey bonnet or glaucus bonnet, is a species of large sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Cassidae, the helmet snails and bonnet snails. This species lives on sandy bottoms with seagrass meadows, in intertidal and shallow subtidal areas to a depth of about 10 m. Shell of Phalium glaucum can reach a length of 60-147 millimetres.
Curiosity of the octopus la curiosità del polpo-2023-06-11-16h14m55s348

Curiosity of the octopus

Common octopus, Octopus vulgaris, is an extremely curious animal towards everything that happens in its territory and this makes it one of the most intelligent species in the underwater world. In this video we see him emerge from his den intent on studying the camera specially placed on the seabed to test his curiosity.We identified it thanks to the presence of some fish such as the Sciarrano (Serranus scriba) and Donzella pavonina (Thalassoma pavo), intent on scrutinizing its den probably waiting for some food waste. ...
Glass Ctenophore Bolinopsis vitrea Ctenoforo di vetro intotheblue.it-2023-06-05-22h10m23s926

Wanderers of the sea - Glass Ctenophore

Also this summer we met one of the many "wanderers of the sea" that is one of those species such as tunicate jellyfish and ctenophores that let themselves be carried away by the currents, reducing their movements to a minimum. We are talking about the Glass Ctenophore - Bolinopsis vitrea - which we have already filmed some time ago, this specimen seems quite old but as soon as touched it showed us the splendid reflections of bioluminescence that the ctenophores activate when they are stimulated. ...
Penna di mare Sea pen Pennatula phosphorea www.intotheblue.it -2023-02-06-14h27m39s312

Sea pen Pennatula phosphorea

Sea pens are colonial marine cnidarians belonging to the order Pennatulacea. There are 14 families within the order and 35 extant genera; it is estimated that of 450 described species, around 200 are valid. Sea pens have a cosmopolitan distribution, being found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide, as well as from the intertidal to depths of more than 6100 m.Sea pens are grouped with the octocorals, together with sea whips (gorgonians).