Relitto Genepesca Wreck-2024-05-28-16h58m13s777


I dived on the wreck of the Genepesca, a "Classic" for those who frequent the seabed of the Vada shallows and the Livorno coast. The idea was to test the equipment, including torches and cameras but above all to try to make a video of the wreck without the mucilage that usually covers it in summer.
young Yellowmouth Barracuda – giovane Barracuda mediterraneo – Sphyraena viridensis –

young Yellowmouth Barracuda

The young yellowmouth barracuda, Sphyraena viridensis, or yellow barracuda is a predatory ray finned fish from the family Sphyraenidae, the barracudas, which is found in the warmer waters of the western Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It is often confused with the European barracuda Sphyraena sphyraena.
Palelipped surgeonfish – Pesce chirurgo labbra chiare – Acanthurus leucocheilus –

Palelipped surgeonfish

Il Pesce chirurgo labbra chiare Acanthurus leucocheilus è un pesce osseo marino appartenente alla famiglia Acanthuridae. La specie è ampiamente distribuita nell'Indo-Pacifico tropicale tra le coste africane orientali a Tuvalu e alle Sporadi Equatoriali. Vive nella parte esterna delle barriere coralline specie vicino alle cadute dove il fondo scende bruscamente verso le alte profondità.
Mediterranean lobster Palinurus elephas Aragosta med-2024-05-19-21h03m38s001

Mediterranean lobster

Lobsters are increasingly rare. There are many reasons: a larval life that lasts about 20 years, overfishing, the change of one's habitat due to the usual causes, warming of the waters, tropicalization of the Mediterranean Sea, etc. etc. In this isolated patch at about 52/54 meters deep we found them and some, as can be seen from the video, even large ones.
ready for scuba diving – pronti per l’immersione subacquea –

High risk scuba diving

Deep scuba diving using compressed air is definitely to be considered a high-risk dive. All international diving organizations recommend limiting diving with compressed air to -40 meters of depth to avoid incurring what is called nitrogen narcosis. Compressed air is denser as the depth increases, and consequently greater breathing effort is required which could lead to breathlessness and greater air consumption.
Picarel fish – Spicara smaris – Zerro –

Picarel fish Spicara smaris

Picarel fish, Spicara smaris, is native to the subtropical eastern Atlantic Ocean including the coasts of Portugal, the Canary Islands and Morocco, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. It is usually found in seagrass meadows and over sandy and muddy seabeds. Its depth range is generally 15 to 170 m. but it has been recorded at depths of 328 m. in the eastern Ionian Sea.
Noah’s Ark seashell – Arca di Noè o Mussolo – Arca noae –

Noah's Ark seashell

Noah's Ark seashell, Arca noae, is a species of bivalve mollusc in the family Arcidae. It is found in the Mediterranean Sea from low tide mark to a depth of 100 metres. The seashell of Arca noae grows to about 10 cm in length. but the ones we found did not exceed 3, 4 centimeters. Quite difficult to identify on the seabed because the shells are always covered not only by sponges but also by algae or other encrusting organisms. We noticed their presence because they were found open without the presence of the mollusc which was certainly prey to either an Octopus or fish such as Sea bream and Bream.
Variable-lined fusilier – Caesio varilineata –

Fuciliere Caesio varilineata

Caesio varilineata, the variable-lined fusilier or thin-lined fusilier, is a species of pelagic marine ray-finned fish, a fusilier belonging to the family Caesionidae. It is found in the Indo-Pacific region. Caesio varilineata is only found in the Indian Ocean from western Indonesia to the eastern coast of Africa, Red Sea and Persian Gulf included. It lives in the open water close to reef and the external reefs.