Basket star in appointment to reproduce – Stelle Gorgone in procreazione – Astrospartus mediterraneus –

Basket star in appointment to reproduce

In many years of scuba diving I have never encountered so many Basket star all at once. Surely there are precise reasons to justify this concentration. The reasons can be various, the most logical ones lead me to think that it is an appointment to reproduce and that in these rocks there are optimal conditions, of currents and plankton, for their life and feeding. This beautiful video, made in a single dive between Livorno and the island of Gorgona, is the demonstration of what has been stated.
T_Brittle starfish Ophioderma longicauda Stella serpentina liscia-2024-06-09-10h02m29s303

Stella serpentina liscia - Ophioderma longicauda

Brittle or Serpentine starfish, Ophioderma longicauda, ​​is an Echinoderm of the Ophiodermatidae species, it is one of the most common starfish in the Mediterranean Sea. In this video we see two specimens, one with a diameter of approximately 10 cm, while the second smaller one has a diameter of approximately 5/6 cm. Brittle starfish. ...
Carangoides ferdau – Blue Trevally – Carangide di Ferdau – Carangide blu –

Ferdau's trevally

The blue trevally (Carangoides ferdau), also known as the banded trevally, barred trevally, Ferdau's trevally or Forskaal's jackfish, is a common, widespread species of pelagic marine fish classified in the jack family Carangidae. The blue trevally is distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific and central Pacific regions, ranging from South Africa in the west to Hawaii in the east
Medusa mediterranea Rhizostoma pulmo – Polmone di mare – Big mediterranean barrel jellyfish –

Big mediterranean Barrel jellyfish

Big mediterranean barrel jellyfish, Rhizostoma pulmo,, commonly known as the barrel jellyfish, the dustbin-lid jellyfish or the frilly-mouthed jellyfish, is a scyphomedusa in the family Rizostomatidae. It is found in the northeast Atlantic, and in the Mediterranean sea, Black Sea and Sea of Azov. It is also known from the southern Atlantic off the western South African coast and into False Bay
Blue Crab – Granchio blu o Granchio reale blu o Granchio azzurro – Callinectes sapidus –

Blue Crab invasion

In Italy, public awareness of the detrimental impact of this species on local molluscs is rapidly growing and, especially in the Po delta area and on the Adriatic sea coast, eradication efforts are undergoing, both by local authorities and by local fishermen. From the 2000s until 2023 the species was reported throughout Italy. We met her, Callinectes sapidus, in Rosignano Solvay in the Province of Livorno where we took the photos and video you are seeing.
T_Amberjack Ricciola Seriola dumerili-2024-06-23-12h13m32s409


In summer the amberjack (Seriola dumerili) approaches the coast from the open sea where it spends the winter. Both large and small specimens, after reproduction, only think about looking for food by practicing real raids among schools of gregarious fish such as mullet, garfish, ...
Lined Surgeonfish – Blue-lined Surgeonfish – Pesce Chirurgo in pigiama – Pesce Chirurgo striato – Acanthurus lineatus –

Lined Surgeonfish Acanthurus lineatus

Acanthurus lineatus, the lined surgeonfish, is a member of the family Acanthuridae, the surgeonfishes. Other common names include blue banded surgeonfish, blue-lined surgeonfish, clown surgeonfish, pyjama tang, striped surgeonfish, and zebra surgeonfish. Acanthurus lineatus occurs in the Indian Ocean from East Africa to the western Pacific Ocean to the Great Barrier Reef, Japan, Polynesia and Hawaii.
coastal Mucilage caused by marine warming – Mucillagine costiera causata dal riscaldamento marino –

SOS marine warming

With the arrival of summer the coastal mucilage caused by marine warming promptly returns.. Nobody can deny that the warming of our planet Earth is now evident even to those who still harbor doubts and uncertainties. Climate change is present at all levels of our ecosystems: from tropical forests to the oceans.