Glass ctenophore - Bolinopsis vitrea

The Glass ctenophore belongs precisely to the philum of the Ctenophores which groups transparent and gelatinous organisms, typically pelagic, whose body is crossed by ribs along which we notice a series of vibrating eyelashes. The lashes are arranged in a comb and hence the name which is equivalent to “bearers of combs”. In tentacles or small combs, the cells are not stinging but adhesive, and it is precisely these adhesive cells called “colloblasts” that capture the zooplankton that these organisms feed on.  Bolinopsis vitrea Ctenoforo di vetro Glass Ctenophore 

Bolinopsis vitrea - Ctenoforo di vetro e Gambero trasparente - Glass Ctenophore and Transparent Shrimp -
Bolinopsis vitrea – Glass Ctenophore –

The small combs mentioned above are also able to produce particular iridescences. Their body, like jellyfish, is made almost entirely of water. Like coelenterates, the digestive organs are contained in a large internal cavity and the mouth is located at the end of the body. The individuals are all hermaphrodites with simultaneous egg and sperm production.

Bolinopsis vitrea - Ctenoforo di vetro e Gambero trasparente - Glass Ctenophore and Transparent Shrimp -
Bolinopsis vitrea – Ctenoforo di vetro –

Ctenophora includes a phylum of invertebrate animals that live in marine waters around the world. They are known for the groups of eyelashes they use to swim and are the largest animals to swim with the help of the eyelashes. Depending on the species, adult ctenophores range from a few millimeters to 1.5 m (4 feet 11 inches). Only 100 to 150 species have been validated, and perhaps 25 others have not been fully described and named.

Glass Ctenophore Bolinopsis vitrea Ctenoforo di vetro
Glass Ctenophore Bolinopsis vitrea Ctenoforo di vetro

Examples of textbooks are cidiotides with egg-shaped bodies and a pair of retractable tentacles garnished with tentilla (“small tentacles”) that are covered in colloblasts, sticky cells that catch prey. Their bodies are made up of a mass of gelatin, with a layer of two cells thick on the outside and another that lines the internal cavity. Phylum has a wide range of body shapes, including egg-shaped cidippids with retractable tentacles that catch prey, generally flat platyctenides without a comb and wide-mouthed beroids, which prey on other ctenophores.

Bolinopsis vitrea - Ctenoforo di vetro e Gambero trasparente - Glass Ctenophore and Transparent Shrimp -
Bolinopsis vitrea – Ctenoforo di vetro e Gambero trasparente – Glass Ctenophore and Transparent Shrimp –


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Bolinopsis vitrea – Glass Ctenophore and Transparent Shrimp

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