Acropora robusta coral – Corallo Madrepora robusta – Acropora robusta – –

Acropora robusta coral

Is a branching stony coral with cylindrical branches ranging from a few centimetres to over two metres in length and height. It occurs in back reef and fore reef environments from 0 to 30 m depth. It occurs in irregular colonies consisting of thick branches towards the centre, but its outer branches are thinner. Its rasp-like radial corallites can be of a variety of diameters and shapes.
Great Barracuda – Grande Barracuda –  Sphyraena barracuda – –

Great Barracuda

The great barracuda is present in tropical to warm temperate waters, in subtropical parts of the Indian, Red Sea, Pacific and Atlantic oceans, from mangrove areas to deep reef, with a lower depth limit of 110 meters. Mature specimens are usually around 60–100 cm.
Flowerpot coral – Corallo margherita – Corallo a vaso di fiori – Goniopora lobata – –

Flowerpot coral

The Flowerpot coral, Goniopora lobata, is a genus of colonial stony coral found in lagoons and turbid water conditions. Goniopora have numerous daisy-like polyps that extend outward from the base, each tipped with 24 stinging tentacles which surrounds a mouth.
Bluespotted cornetfish – Pesce flauto – Fistularia commersonii –

Bluespotted cornetfish Fistularia commersonii

The bluespotted cornetfish (Fistularia commersonii), also known as smooth cornetfish or smooth flutemouth, is a marine fish which belongs to the family Fistulariidae. This very long and slender reef-dweller belongs to the same order as the pipefishes and seahorses, called Syngnathiformes. It is widespread in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific as far north as Japan and east to the coasts of the Americas, including the Red Sea. In 2000, its presence was reported in the Mediterranean Sea
Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix Pesce serra-2023-08-21-18h54m01s033


Bluefish is the "predator" in fact it feeds exclusively on other fish and cephalopods. Its favorite preys are mullets even if in this video we see it hunting in a few meters of depth, trying to capture salemas present in numerous specimens in a herd. As always, the encounter is lightning-fast and lasts only a few seconds, in fact the Serras do not let themselves be distracted when they are hunting and it is extremely difficult to get close. By slowing down and enlarging the video we managed to extrapolate some images of this splendid fish. ...