Cushion coral Cladocora caespitosa Madrepora a ccuscino-2024-10-05-22h12m21s934

Cushion coral - Cladocora caespitosa

Cushion coral, Cladocora caespitosa is a typical madrepore of the Mediterranean Sea, it belongs to the Hexacorallia class and to the Cnidaria phylum., It usually has a brownish, beige or dirty white color, this one in the video is unusually very white, probably because it is "still young". It is a colony of polyps that live in symbiosis with zooxanthellae algae. The polyps form calcium carbonate deposits that form the cells in which they live and that make the madrepore grow in size ...

Mucillage and Toxic algae Ostreopsis ovata

Also in this year we are witnessing the now common and usual phenomenon of the inflorescence of marine mucilage along the coasts of our sea. At the same time as the mucilage, however, an excessive proliferation of the microalgae Ostreopsis cf. Ovata. Qhese two phenomena should not be connected or at least should not occur at the same time so frequently...
Cushion coral Cladocora caespitosa Madrepora a cuscino-2023-08-01-07h21m33s605

Cladocora caespitosa - Cushion coral

Cladocora caespitosa, Cushion coral Madrepora, is the typical madrepora of the Mediterranean and is also considered the most important endemic bioconstructor coral of the Mediterranean Sea. It forms colonies often isolated, but sometimes capable of forming aggregations. Low densities are recorded in the Adriatic (populations are slightly declining), while in other areas the species is in great expansion ...

Mucilage in May!

Here we are! and also this year we are here with mucilage phenomenon, the problem is: we are just in May and a week ago there was absolutely nothing in the same place! Could we blame all this on Hannibal anticyclone and the anomalous heat of this season ?! ...
T_Green wrasse Labrus viridis Tordo marvizzo-2022-02-19-15h41m40s063

Green wrasse - Labrus viridis

Green wrasse usually lives on rocky bottoms and Oceanic posidonia at a depth of 10 to 15 meters, where it finds its ideal habitat. This fish can live well even around 45/50 meters but it is rarely found in shallow waters. In this video we see it in a very few meters of depth ...

Acetabularia acetabulum

In this video we are in the waters in front of the Tuaredda Island in Sardinia, one of the most beautiful beaches in the Mediterranean Sea and for someone one of the most beautiful in the world. While snorkeling ...