Cushion sea star – Stella cuscino – Culcita schmideliana – –

Cushion sea star Culcita schmideliana

Cushion sea star, Culcita schmideliana, commonly known as the spiny cushion star, is a species of pin-cushion star which looks more like a hedgehog without its spines than the starfish we generally know. It has a variety of base colors and often patches of a different color. It is pentagonal in shape and lives in the tropical Indo-Pacific.

Purple Starfish

The Purple Starfish, is a species of starfish from the East Atlantic (from mainland Portugal and the Azores down to the Gulf of Guinea) and the Mediterranean Sea. It has a big variation in colour (from red to orange) and may present brown spots. The central disc is small, covered by irregular plates, and the arms are thinner near the central disc. Each arm has lines of respiratory papillae. It can reach 40 cm in diameter.