T_Phorbas tenacior Blue Sponge Spugna incrostante blu www.intotheblue.it-2023-05-12-15h22m03s828

Blue Sponge

Phorbas tenacior, Blue sponge is one of the first organisms to colonize new wrecks or any submerged vertical surface not yet colonized by marine organisms. In this video we see it on a wreck about 30 meters deep. Probably this wreck is quite recent, perhaps sunk between the first and second world wars, has several colonies of sponges including the blue encrusting sponge, which seems to prefer vertical walls away from direct sunlight. Obviously we also see it next to other species of sponges of the genus Tedania and Verongia but if we look at the part of the prow the presence of Phorbas tenacior ...
T_Amberjack Yellowtail Seriola dumerilii Ricciola -2022-10-22-21h51m41s295

Amberjack / Yellowtail - Seriola dumeriili

Amberjack, Seriola dumerili is a pelagic species, that is, it spends most of its life in the open sea. However, it happens that almost always in autumn and sometimes in spring it approaches the coasts in search of food and stays here for a few months and then returns to the blue of the open sea. ...
T_Brown meagre Sciaena umbra Corvina-2022-08-23-18h47m19s747

Brown meagre - Sciaena umbra

Also this summer we have filmed Brown meagre this splendid fish on several occasions and as always we decide to publish some videos to share the beauty of this typical species of the Mediterranean Sea. Sciaena umbra Brown meagre Corvina intotheblue.it ...

Blue Chromis Chromis

Like all summers, we can see the birth of the fry of black Damselfish Chromis chromis. In the video they are well recognized for the characteristic of being of an intense electric blue colorr. ...

Mediterranean jellyfish

Mediterranean jellyfish are marine planktonic animals, belonging to the phylum Cnidaria, which together with the Ctenophores formed once those who were Coelenterates. We publish a collage of several jellyfish encountered during our dives ...