T_Common octopus Octopus vulgaris Polpo comune intotheblue.it-2024-09-04-17h25m56s111

Common octopus

Octopus is considered one of the most intelligent animals that we can encounter in our Mediterranean Sea. As you can see, it is a champion of camouflage, cunning and escape strategies. However, it also has its problems and if once camouflaged it is practically impossible to see even to the most expert eyes, a spoilsport fish like the Serranus scriba (Painted comber) ...
Do octopuses grow tentacles again-2024-04-20-16h54m29s089

Do octopuses grow tentacles again ?

The answer is yes! and in the video we see how this octopus is growing back its three tentacles in front of its eyes. The octopus is both a predator and a prey and it often happens that when fighting groupers, conger eels, moray eels and other predatory fish, our friend loses one or more of its tentacles, but saves its life by escaping. ...
Common Octopus – Polpo – Octopus vulgaris – www.intotheblue.it-2024-01-18-10h16m30s180

Common Octopus

The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) is a mollusc belonging to the class Cephalopoda. Octopus vulgaris is the most studied of all octopus species. It is considered cosmopolitan, that is, a global species, which ranges from the eastern Atlantic, extends from the Mediterranean and the southern coast of England, to at least Senegal in Africa. It also occurs off the Azores, Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands. The species is also common in the Western Atlantic.
Curiosity of the octopus la curiosità del polpo-2023-06-11-16h14m55s348

Curiosity of the octopus

Common octopus, Octopus vulgaris, is an extremely curious animal towards everything that happens in its territory and this makes it one of the most intelligent species in the underwater world. In this video we see him emerge from his den intent on studying the camera specially placed on the seabed to test his curiosity.We identified it thanks to the presence of some fish such as the Sciarrano (Serranus scriba) and Donzella pavonina (Thalassoma pavo), intent on scrutinizing its den probably waiting for some food waste. ...

The struggle for life

This video made in the Maldives shows us an octopus as it comes out of its den to go hunting for food. While out he is attacked by a redtoothed triggerfish and thent has to give up his lunch and immediately take shelter in an emergency shelter to try to save himself. The video is interesting because it highlights the struggle for life that occurs every day in nature and where the predator must necessarily be careful to prevent becoming the prey of another animal.

Into Octopus Hug

Towards the end of a dive a few meters deep we met an octopus. The meeting is very common but the behavior of the octopus is rather unusual ...