Falso corallo nero Savalia savaglia T-2023-12-08-14h07m08s056

New future colony of Savalia savaglia

During this immersion in a completely populated area of the colony of red Gorgonia (Paramuricea clavata), we discovered also some "rami" of False coral black, the very rare Savalia savaglia. Abbiamo documentato spesso questo beautiful coral giallo chiamato Falso corallo nero su fondali di circa 78 / 80 meters fine almost to 90 meters deep.
T_European conger – Grongo – Conger conger – www.intotheblue.it-2023-09-05-20h45m23s530

European conger

Common conger is a bony sea fish belonging to the Congridae family. Here we see it in its lair at a depth of about 52 metres, on a muddy seabed at the base of a beautiful vertical wall, even a few meters high, of rock and coral. As we see, the wall is colonized by many Mediterranean organisms such as sponges, corals and gorgonians, full of caves and ravines where these fish seek shelter during the day and food during the night. ...

Cave diving

We also went to visit an underwater cave. And like all caves it instills a certain charm and arouses a certain restlessness, and it is the same in the case of this submerged cave ...
Medusa mediterranea Rhizostoma pulmo – Polmone di mare – Big mediterranean barrel jellyfish – www.intotheblue.it-2024-01-31-15h09m09s191

Simmetria e organismi marini

Simmetria in biologia è la distribuzione equilibrata di parti del corpo duplicati o forme all'interno del corpo di un organismo. In natura e biologia, la simmetria è sempre approssimata. La simmetria crea una classe di modelli in natura ...