Lichene marino o Alga corallina Lithophyllum stictiforme Red algae-2024-07-03-17h16m42s009

Red algae

We have already talked about it, it is one of the oldest marine organisms on Planet Earth, marine lichen or coral algae belongs to the Plant Kingdom and the division of Red Algae. Common in the Mediterranean Sea and also in other seas and oceans, in the video we filmed the Lithophyllum stictiforme, Coralline algae, Red Coralline algae, Sea lichen. ...
Gorgonia Leptogorgia sarmentosa Gorgonian

Leptogorgia sarmentosa Gorgonian

Leptogorgia sarmentosa Gorgonian is quite common in the Mediterranean Sea, we often meet it during our dives, but not in the area where we explored in this video. On this seabed there are not many gorgonians, despite being the classic coralligenous bottom there is very common the red coral, Corallium rubrum ...

Cave diving

We also went to visit an underwater cave. And like all caves it instills a certain charm and arouses a certain restlessness, and it is the same in the case of this submerged cave ...

Yellow Reteporella grimaldii

In this video we are exploring a typical rocky wall of the Mediterranean Sea from two to three meters high at a depth ranging from 39 to 42 meters deep. Here we can meet organisms such as sponges, starfish, sea urchins, red coral, parazoanthus and bryozoans ...