T_Blue crab – Callinectes sapidus – Granchio blu – www.intotheblue.it-2023-08-04-16h38m28s440

Blue crab - Callinectes sapidus

Even we at intotheblue.it could not miss the infamous and by now famous this summer, Blue Crab - Callinectes sapidus - also known as Blue King Crab. We filmed it after several reports, on the stretch of coast between Vada and Rosignano Solvay, luring it with a bait to film it with the camera. This alien species has colonized the Mediterranean for at least fifty years but has spread by invading the coasts in recent years perhaps precisely because of the now inevitable warming of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. ...
Blue Crab – Granchio blu o Granchio reale blu o Granchio azzurro – Callinectes sapidus – www.intotheblue.it-2024-06-01-15h33m38s846

Blue Crab invasion

In Italy, public awareness of the detrimental impact of this species on local molluscs is rapidly growing and, especially in the Po delta area and on the Adriatic sea coast, eradication efforts are undergoing, both by local authorities and by local fishermen. From the 2000s until 2023 the species was reported throughout Italy. We met her, Callinectes sapidus, in Rosignano Solvay in the Province of Livorno where we took the photos and video you are seeing.