Unknow species Specie sconosciuta-10-19-14h13m05s681

Unknow species

This video was taken last Saturday (14/10/2023) during an inshore dive at about 15 meters deep. I mention the precise date because during the canonical 3 minutes of decompression at a depth of 3 meters hanging from the chain of one of the "safe water" signaling buoys, about 200 meters from the rocky and jagged coast, I decide to check the temperature of the water and the computer measured 25°C. ...
Mystery blenny Parablennius incognitus Bavosa mediterranea – www.intotheblue.it-2022-04-22-14h29m11s234

Mystery blenny - Parablennius incognitus

Mediterranean blenny blenny is one of the most common and easy to meet fish in the Mediterranean Sea, it belongs to the Blennidae family, Blennidae, and is an endemic species of our seas. Mystery blenny Parablennius incognitus Bavosa mediterranea www.intotheblue.it ...