In this video we believe to have met the Chelon labrosus, Thicklip grey mullet, although from the information found on the web it could also be the Liza ramada. ...
Il Muggine o Cefalo, Mugil cephalus, è uno dei pesci più facili da incontrare nel Mar Mediterraneo, vive in gruppi di numerosi esemplari ed è piuttosto facile da incontrare ...
In this video we see one of the mullet or mullet species Flathead gray mullet, Mugil cephalus, more common in the Mediterraneoan Sea. This fish usually lives in flocks consisting of numerous individuals. It is a gregarious species and a prey ...
In this video collage we have included various encounters with the Flathead grey, mullet Mugil cephalus (Cefalo o Muggine dorato, Dorino) , one of the most common mullet species in the Mediterranean Sea. We have met golden mullets on the surface and in open water where they mainly live with numerous individuals. ...