Dorid nudibranch – Doride dipinto – Felimare picta –

Dorid nudibranch Felimare picta

Felimare picta is a species of colourful sea slug or dorid nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusk i the family Chromodorididae. The color of the body is variable and goes from blue to purple, yellow or green, with irregular yellow spots. It can reach up to 20 centimeters in length.
Ballerina spagnola del Mediterraneo Lepre marina Aplysia depilans Spanish Mediterranean dancer Depilatory sea hare -2023-03-08-17h12m41s831

Spanish Mediterranean Dancer

In this video we can see a wonderful example of Spanish Mediterranean Dancer or Depilatory Sea Hare. It is a nudibranch mollusk, Aplysia depilans, that lives in the Mediterranean seabed at a depth ranging from 1 meter up to 10 meters. We met her in apnea in a rocky bottom around 2 meters. Elegant in its movements it seems to fly in the water with grace that would be the envy of a flamenco dancer.
T_Aplysia depilans Sea hare Lepre di mare -2023-03-23-17h06m11s954

Aplysia depilans - Sea hare

We publish another encounter with the Sea hare, Aplysia depilans, this time which took place on a depth of about 42/45 meters. We are on a not very high rock wall about 4/5 miles from the coast where, due to the now increasingly present mucillage, animals and marine organisms seem to have disappeared. ...

Depilatory Sea Hare

In this video we can see a wonderful example of Spanish Mediterranean Dancer or Depilatory Sea Hare. It is a nudibranch mollusk, Aplysia depilans, that lives in the Mediterranean seabed at a depth ranging from 1 meter up to 10 meters. We met her in apnea in a rocky bottom around ...