In the stretch of sea that goes from Cagliari to Villasimius, Sardinia we met the Cinnabarina - Baptodoris cinnabarina, a specimen of yellow Nudibranchs ...
We found these three specimens of Felimare tricolor on a rocky and coralligenous bottom at a depth ranging from 45 to 50 meters. These animals are quite common in the Mediterranean and are also difficult to photograph and film ...
With this article we add a new species to the Nudibranchis filmed on This is Felimare picta, one of the most colorful sea snails belonging to the genus Nudibranchia in the Mediterranean Sea. ...
Sea hare, Aplysia depilans, is a gastropod mollusk typical of the Mediterranean Sea; she is a sea snail but in this video we see her swimming in the blue almost like flying and we think she is anything but a snail. Sea hare Aplysia depilans Lepre di mare Ballerina spagnola. ...
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