
Mucilage in May!

Here we are! and also this year we are here with mucilage phenomenon, the problem is: we are just in May and a week ago there was absolutely nothing in the same place! Could we blame all this on Hannibal anticyclone and the anomalous heat of this season ?! ...
T_Blue crab – Callinectes sapidus – Granchio blu – www.intotheblue.it-2023-08-04-16h38m28s440

Blue crab - Callinectes sapidus

Even we at intotheblue.it could not miss the infamous and by now famous this summer, Blue Crab - Callinectes sapidus - also known as Blue King Crab. We filmed it after several reports, on the stretch of coast between Vada and Rosignano Solvay, luring it with a bait to film it with the camera. This alien species has colonized the Mediterranean for at least fifty years but has spread by invading the coasts in recent years perhaps precisely because of the now inevitable warming of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. ...
coastal Mucilage caused by marine warming – Mucillagine costiera causata dal riscaldamento marino – www.intotheblue.it-2024-01-31-12h03m06s932

SOS marine warming

With the arrival of summer the coastal mucilage caused by marine warming promptly returns.. Nobody can deny that the warming of our planet Earth is now evident even to those who still harbor doubts and uncertainties. Climate change is present at all levels of our ecosystems: from tropical forests to the oceans.