Flowerpot coral – Corallo margherita – Corallo a vaso di fiori – Goniopora lobata – www.itotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2023-12-05-10h59m52s380

Flowerpot coral

The Flowerpot coral, Goniopora lobata, is a genus of colonial stony coral found in lagoons and turbid water conditions. Goniopora have numerous daisy-like polyps that extend outward from the base, each tipped with 24 stinging tentacles which surrounds a mouth.
Acropora robusta coral – Corallo Madrepora robusta – Acropora robusta – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2023-11-30-14h50m15s046

Acropora robusta coral

Is a branching stony coral with cylindrical branches ranging from a few centimetres to over two metres in length and height. It occurs in back reef and fore reef environments from 0 to 30 m depth. It occurs in irregular colonies consisting of thick branches towards the centre, but its outer branches are thinner. Its rasp-like radial corallites can be of a variety of diameters and shapes.