Cassiopea mediterranea Cotylorhiza tuberculata-Rhizostoma pulmo-Polmone di mare-2024-08-15-17h57m01s469

Mediterranean increasingly warm: record temperatures and jellyfish

We are now facing a real tropicalization of the Mediterranean Sea which is leading to a too rapid and rapid change of this ecosystem, so we are increasingly witnessing an invasion of alien species, explosions of mucilage and toxic algae, a decrease in native fish species, a reduction in fishing and catches and, as can be seen from these images, a proliferation of jellyfish ...

Mucillage and Toxic algae Ostreopsis ovata

Also in this year we are witnessing the now common and usual phenomenon of the inflorescence of marine mucilage along the coasts of our sea. At the same time as the mucilage, however, an excessive proliferation of the microalgae Ostreopsis cf. Ovata. Qhese two phenomena should not be connected or at least should not occur at the same time so frequently...
Astrospartus mediterraneus Paramuricea clavata

Astrospartus mediterraneus & Paramuricea clavata

In this amazing dive among Paramuricea clavata, red Gorgonian, we met numerous Gorgon starfish, Basket star or Astrospartus mediterraneus. We are on a rocky bottom between 49 and 52 meters deep, where we have encountered various species of fish and marine species such as sponges, red scorpionfish, Anthias anthias, red mullet, coocko wrasse and more. ...