Cassiopea mediterranea Cotylorhiza tuberculata-Rhizostoma pulmo-Polmone di mare-2024-08-15-17h57m01s469

Mediterranean increasingly warm: record temperatures and jellyfish

We are now facing a real tropicalization of the Mediterranean Sea which is leading to a too rapid and rapid change of this ecosystem, so we are increasingly witnessing an invasion of alien species, explosions of mucilage and toxic algae, a decrease in native fish species, a reduction in fishing and catches and, as can be seen from these images, a proliferation of jellyfish ...
Mnemiopsis leidyi-2024-07-09-18h32m25s290

Invasion of the Sea walnut Mnemiopsis leidyi

Also this summer we are witnessing the invasion of the Mnemiopsis leidyi or Sea walnut. This year we are in early July and the sea water is slowly warming up as always in summer. Punctually after a short and intense sea storm we witness an invasion of jellyfish, plastic, tree trunks and branches, various floating debris and as now every year also the Mnemiopsis leidyi, the now infamous Sea walnut. ...
Mediterranean lobster Palinurus elephas Aragosta med-2024-05-19-21h03m38s001

Mediterranean lobster

Lobsters are increasingly rare. There are many reasons: a larval life that lasts about 20 years, overfishing, the change of one's habitat due to the usual causes, warming of the waters, tropicalization of the Mediterranean Sea, etc. etc. In this isolated patch at about 52/54 meters deep we found them and some, as can be seen from the video, even large ones.