Falso corallo nero Savalia savaglia T-2023-12-08-14h07m08s056

New future colony of Savalia savaglia

During this immersion in a completely populated area of the colony of red Gorgonia (Paramuricea clavata), we discovered also some "rami" of False coral black, the very rare Savalia savaglia. Abbiamo documentato spesso questo beautiful coral giallo chiamato Falso corallo nero su fondali di circa 78 / 80 meters fine almost to 90 meters deep.
Salpa maxima – www.intotheblue.it-T2022-06-02-20h13m45s007

Salpa maxima

Salpa maxima also arrived in the upper Tyrrhenian Sea or lower Ligurian Sea, that is, in the waters of Livorno and the province where we often dive. It is a Tunicate; at first sight it looks like a cross between a fish and a jellyfish but it is neither, it is actually a transparent invertebrate belonging to the order of the Salpidae subphylum Tunicata, coming from the deepest oceans and very rare in the Mediterranean....