Achovy represents one of the first links in the food chain of all seas and oceans. At the base of this food chain is plankton. These are microscopic organisms distributed ...
In this video collage we have included various encounters with the Flathead grey, mullet Mugil cephalus (Cefalo o Muggine dorato, Dorino) , one of the most common mullet species in the Mediterranean Sea. We have met golden mullets on the surface and in open water where they mainly live with numerous individuals. ...
Also this summer we are witnessing the invasion of the Mnemiopsis leidyi or Sea walnut. This year we are in early July and the sea water is slowly warming up as always in summer. Punctually after a short and intense sea storm we witness an invasion of jellyfish, plastic, tree trunks and branches, various floating debris and as now every year also the Mnemiopsis leidyi, the now infamous Sea walnut. ...
We are exploring a seabed about 6 miles from the coast, which varies from 39 to 49 meters in depth, in search of rocks and a submerged reef reported just before the sounding. Before arriving at the dive site we met a beautiful European fan worm, Sabella spallanzanii, ...
European Fanworm is one of the easiest organisms to encounter during a dive or more simply when you go underwater at any depth. However, it is almost impossible not to stop and admire it trying to observe it ...
Also this summer we met one of the many "wanderers of the sea" that is one of those species such as tunicate jellyfish and ctenophores that let themselves be carried away by the currents, reducing their movements to a minimum. We are talking about the Glass Ctenophore - Bolinopsis vitrea - which we have already filmed some time ago, this specimen seems quite old but as soon as touched it showed us the splendid reflections of bioluminescence that the ctenophores activate when they are stimulated. ...