Triglia gialla - Mulloidichthys flavolineatus

Mulloidichthys flavolineatus (Lacépède, 1801) is a fish belonging to the Mullidae family from the tropical regions of the Indo-Pacific. Yellow Mullet Mulloidichthys flavolineatus Triglia Gialla

Distribution and habitat
It comes from the coral reefs of the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. It prefers areas with sandy bottoms, up to about 76 m of depth. It is a common species.

It has a slightly compressed body on the abdomen, which can occasionally reach 43 cm in length even if it usually does not exceed 25. The coloration is quite variable, but on the sides there is a horizontal yellow line that runs through the body, interrupted by an oval black spot. The caudal fin is yellowish and forked.

It can form large desks.

It feeds on smaller fish and aquatic invertebrates such as bivalve molluscs and gastropods, worms, polychaetes (Sabella), sea urchins and crustaceans, especially crayfish.

It is often prey of Gymnothorax flavimarginatus.

Yellow Mullet Mulloidichthys flavolineatus Triglia Gialla

The mullets have a characteristic and fairly uniform appearance, with a rather elongated and tapered body, steep forehead, large eyes, two well separated dorsal fins, forked caudal fin. They have two showy barbels under the chin, chemosensory organs used to probe the sand and hiding places between rocks and corals in search of prey. The livery varies from species to species, but is often rich in bright colors, from bright red to golden yellow. A common malformation in the mullet can appear by adding an additional small rear fin on the tail. A mullet with this particular anomaly is called Quadriglia, because of its four fins in the complex.
The dimensions are rather small, ranging from 7.2 cm of Upeneus francisi to 60 cm of Parupeneus barberinus.


Triglie gialle oceaniche

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