Yellow-edged Lyretail - Variola louti

La Cernia Variola Louti - The Yellow-Edged Lyretail -
La Cernia Variola Louti – The Yellow-Edged Lyretail –

Yellow-edged Lyretail Variola louti or Lyretail Grouper (Forsskàl, 1175) is a sea fish belonging to the Actinopterygii class, to the Perciformes order, to the Serranidae family, and to the subfamily Epinephelinae. This tropical species is widespread in the coral reefs of the Red Sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, but not in the Persian Gulf and in the Hawaiian Islands. They live in waters between -3 and -250 meters deep. cernia tropicale variola louti

La Cernia Variola Louti - The Yellow-Edged Lyretail -
La Cernia Variola Louti – The Yellow-Edged Lyretail –

Variola louti grouper is a saltwater fish belonging to the Serranidae family, subfamily Epinephelinae.

The tail is crescent-shaped, rather wide. The livery generally has a reddish background, more or less stained with light and dark, speckled with light or red. The fins are red, edged with yellow. The young specimens have more anonymous liveries. The one we show you has a dark livery with white dots and the fins are edged with yellow.

Distribution and habitat
This species is widespread in the coral reefs of the Red Sea and the Indo-Pacific, but not in the Persian Gulf and in the Hawaiian islands. Inhabit waters between -2 and -250 meters deep.

Yellow-edged Lyretail Cernia Variola louti
Yellow-edged Lyretail Cernia Variola louti

The body is typical of groupers, tall and elongated, rather compressed on the sides, with an elongated head and a large mouth, surrounded by thick lips. The fins are pointed and robust. The tail is crescent-shaped, rather wide. The livery has a reddish background, more or less stained with light and dark, speckled with light or red. The fins are red, edged with yellow. The young specimens have more anonymous liveries.
It reaches a maximum length of 83 cm.

It is a proterandric hermaphrodite species: the specimens are all born females, becoming older then males. Fertilization is external.

They feed mainly on fish and invertebrates.

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Yellow-edged Lyretail

La Cernia Variola Louti

The Nungwi Barrier Reef – Zanzibar

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