
Bearded scorpionfish - Scorpaenopsis barbata

Bearded scorpionfish - Scorpaenopsis barbata

Bearded scorpionfishes - Scorpaenopsis barbata - are found in the western Indian Ocean from the Red Sea to the coasts of Madagascar and South Africa ...
Black Redfish - Scorpaena Porcus

Black Redfish - Scorpaena Porcus

Scorpaena porcus, commonly known as black or brown Redfish, is a marine fish belonging to the family Scorpaenidae. Scorfano Nero Scorpaena Porcus Scorpaenidae Redfish black brown. ...
Pesce Pietra - Synanceia Verrucosa

Pesce Pietra - Synanceia Verrucosa

Synanceia verrucosa, conosciuto comunemente come Pesce pietra, è un pesce d'acqua salata appartenente alla famiglia Synanceiidae. ...
Pesce Scorpione - Pesce Leone - Pterois volitans

Pesce Scorpione - Pesce Leone - Pterois volitans

Il pesce scorpione o pesce leone o Scorpena volante (Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1758)) è un pesce d'acqua salata della famiglia Scorpaenidae. ...
Red Scorpion fish - Scorpaena scrofa

Red Scorpion fish - Scorpaena scrofa

Scorpion fish (Scorpaena scrofa Linnaeus, 1758) is a family of fish Scorpaenidae. Scorfano Rosso Scorpaena scrofa Scorpaenidae Red Scorpion fish ...
Rondine di Mare Pesce civetta - Dactylopterus volitans

Rondine di Mare Pesce civetta - Dactylopterus volitans

La Rondine di Mare (Dactylopterus volitans Linnaeus, 1758), conosciuto anche come Pesce civetta, è un pesce d'acqua marina appartenente alla famiglia dei Dactylopteridae. ...

Scorpaenidae, the scorpionfish, are a family of mostly marine fish that includes many of the world’s most venomous species. As the name suggests, scorpionfish have a type of “sting” in the form of sharp spines coated with venomous mucus. The family is a large one, with hundreds of members. They are widespread in tropical and temperate seas, but mostly found in the Indo-Pacific. They should not be confused with the cabezones, of the genus Scorpaenichthys, which belong to a separate, though related, family, Cottidae. Scorpaenidae famiglia di pesci include molte delle specie più velenose del mondo

The Nungwi Barrier Reef – Stefano

Some types, such as the lionfish, are attractive as well as dangerous, and highly desired for aquaria. In addition to the name scorpionfish, informal names for family members include firefish, turkeyfish, dragonfish, and stingfish, usually with adjectives added.

General characteristics of family members include a compressed body, ridges and/or spines on the head, one or two spines on the operculum, and three to five spines on the preopercle. The dorsal fin has 11 to 17 spines, often long and separated from each other, and the pectoral fins are well-developed, with 11 to 25 rays. The spines of the dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins all have venom glands at their bases.

Scorfano Nero –

Most species are bottom-dwellers that feed on crustaceans and smaller fish. Many inhabit shallow waters, but a few live as deep as 2,200 m (7,200 ft).Most scorpionfish, such as the stonefish, wait in disguise for prey to pass them by before swallowing, while lionfish often ambush their prey. When not ambushing, lionfish may herd the fish, shrimp, or crab into a corner before swallowing. Like many perciform fishes, scorpionfish are suction feeders that capture prey by rapidly projecting a suction field generated by expansion of the fish’s buccal cavity.

Scorpaenid systematics are complicated and unsettled. Fishes of the World recognizes 10 subfamilies with a total of 388 species, while (as of 2006) FishBase follows Eschmeyer and has three subfamilies, 25 genera, and 201 species, some of the species being removed to family Sebastidae which other authorities do not follow.

Scorpaena scrofa – Scorfano Rosso

Nel mar Mediterraneo sono presenti le seguenti specie:

Sono pesci bentonici; la maggior parte delle specie vive su fondi duri. Sono comuni nei pressi delle barriere coralline. Poche specie sono adattate alla vita nelle acque dolci.



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