Blue Sponge - Phorbas tenacior
Phorbas tenacior (Topsent, 1925) is a sponge of the family Hymedesmiidae (Demospongiae), widespread in the Mediterranean sea. Phorbas tenacior Spugna Blu Blue Sponge
It is an encrusting sponge with a leucon-like morphology. It gives life to colonies with the appearance of translucent plates of fleshy consistency, from light blue to blue-gray in color, 1-3 mm thick and up to 15-20 cm2 wide. The inhalant orifices are grouped and the osculae are in an elevated position. The transparent channels are visible.
Distribution and habitat
It is common in the Mediterranean Sea. Sciafila species that prefer poorly lit environments (caves, north-facing walls).
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