t_Lipophrys nigriceps Rabosa negra Bavosa rossa-2022-12-31-14h40m48s131

Lipophrys nigriceps - Rabosa negra

This little minnow is one of the most common Blennid species in the Mediterranean Sea. Lipophrys nigriceps - Rabosa negra - Red blenny is in fact practically omnipresent along the cliffs and rocky and jagged coasts of our sea, the only trick to find it is to look in the shaded areas and in the holes near the of the marine environment between the levels of low and high tide ...
Mystery blenny Parablennius incognitus Bavosa mediterranea – www.intotheblue.it-2022-04-22-14h29m11s234

Mystery blenny - Parablennius incognitus

Mediterranean blenny blenny is one of the most common and easy to meet fish in the Mediterranean Sea, it belongs to the Blennidae family, Blennidae, and is an endemic species of our seas. Mystery blenny Parablennius incognitus Bavosa mediterranea www.intotheblue.it ...