young Titan triggerfish – giovane Balestra Titano – young Giant triggerfish – Balistoides viridescens –

young Titan triggerfish

In this video you can see a Titan Triggerfish in its juvenile phase during which, if possible, it tries to stay safe inside a lair that it has probably excavated. However, if it catches signs of danger, it runs away to find a safer refuge in the coral reef. The shape is characteristic of triggerfishes, but the light color is far from the adult stage.
Picasso triggerfish – pesce Balestra Picasso – Rhinecanthus aculeatus – Lagoon triggerfish –

Picasso triggerfish Rhinecanthus aculeatus

The Lagoon triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus), also known as the blackbar Triggerfish, the Picasso triggerfish, or the Picassofish, is a triggerfish, up to 30 cm in length, found on reefs in the Indo-Pacific region. This species has been studied in a range of research contexts, from locomotion to color vision research. Lagoon triggerfish live in the reefs and sandy areas of coral reefs, where they eat just about anything that comes along, mostly including invertebrates and reef algae.

Clown Triggerfish

Clown triggerfish (Balistoides conspicillum), also known as the bigspotted triggerfish, is a demersal marine fish belonging to the family Balistidae, or commonly called triggerfish. ...